Join our amazing network of independent drivers
Fares.Fair is the first completely open marketplace for independent taxi and private hire drivers*. The marketplace allows you to advertise your services directly to customers, removing the need to pay out large amounts in weekly rent or commission.
You can join for free and upgrade at any time.
Still unsure? Try our free savings calculator now to join our mailing list and find out how much you could save over traditional methods of finding work…
Relax. Build your business in your own time.
The great thing about running your own business is that you make the decisions. When you join Fares.Fair it doesn’t mean you have to stop getting work from your current suppliers. You can still work the rank or get jobs from other operators. As your private bookings build up on Fares.Fair you can choose how you want to work. You can cut down on paying commission or you can carry on taking bookings from multiple sources. Fares.Fare minimises risk and lets you make the decisions.
Your business, your choice. Exactly the way it should be.
Get started for free, upgrade whenever you choose.
Fares.Fair has two great membership options:
£0 – Free!
Advertise your business
List up to 3 unique deals
Add new listings anytime
Update existing offers
Advertise your business
List up to 10 unique deals
Add new listings anytime
Update existing offers
View customer journey requests
Respond directly to customers with your best price
Assistance in designing your profile and offer listings
Bespoke QR code stickers linked directly to your profile
£49.99/month (minimum 12 month membership)
*Need an operator’s licence?
To build your own business a private hire driver must have their own operator’s licence issued by your local authority.
Getting an operator’s licence is not hard but if you do need some help, we can guide you through the process in your local area.
Find out more about how to get your own operator’s licence with our help and get on the way to fully controlling every aspect of your business!